Mrs. Bruxvoort

Where were you born and where have you lived?
I was born and raised in Fairmont, MN.

Where did you attend university or college?
I received my degree in Biology from Iowa State University. 

What kind of reading do you most enjoy doing?
I tend toward autobiographies and works in theology. Dr. Merlin Sheldrake's Entangled Life was a favorite of this past summer, while Dallas Willard's Renovation of the Heart has been an exceptional read here at the beginning of the academic year. 

What are the small essentials that make life more comfortable?
Black coffee. Dark chocolate peanut butter cups. A slow morning. 

What are your favorite snacks?
Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and popcorn. 

What do you do to unwind?
An unstructured evening spent with my husband is a good way for me to feel rested.

How could a parent volunteer help you the most?
Sharpening pencils, cleaning desks, and chaperoning are but some of the ways in which you can help out in our classroom!

Why have you chosen to teach at Ridgeview specifically?
Ridgeview's commitment to the highest good for the whole person resonates with my own conviction that academic prowess cannot be the sole focus of our schools. Nurturing individuals into a personal love for what is beautiful, true, challenging, and worthy is what I feel I am called to do here specifically.