Miss Grace

Where were you born and where have you lived?

I was born in South Bend, Indiana and lived in the area my whole life. I moved to Fort Collins in August of 2017 and knew since 2015 that I wanted this area to be my home.

Where did you attend university or college?

I attended college in a city next to my hometown, called Mishawaka, on a track scholarship to pole vault, and I am a proud Bethel College Pilot.

What kind of reading do you most enjoy doing?

When reading for leisure, I prefer reading about a variety of rescue missions (hiking and climbing especially!) and nearly that pertains to the great outdoors.

What are the small essentials that make life more comfortable?

There are a handful of things that make life much sweeter for me. In the morning it is a nice cup of black coffee, preferably iced! If I'm going on an adventure, it's hiking boots, a nice pair of socks, and a backpack. If I'm spending time at home, I love to light a candle.

What are your favorite snacks?

The first snack I'll reach for is fresh fruit, but I love granola on top of yogurt or a spoonful of peanut butter.

What do you do to unwind?

When I need to unwind I always opt for a handstand. Something about focusing solely on keeping balance really helps me relax. Otherwise, I enjoy taking long hikes, going on a run, or trying a new recipe to share with my friends.

How could a parent volunteer help you most?

The most important thing a parent volunteer can do to help is to read at home with their child and help them stay on top of their assignments. In addition it is most helpful when classroom volunteers arrive early and communicate any last minute scheduling conflicts. If you are planning on volunteering or have in the past, thank you. I couldn't offer the Ridgeview experience without your help!