Miss Bean

1. Where were you born and where have you lived?

I was born and raised right here in Northern Colorado. 

2. Where did you attend university or college?

I have not attended university or college yet but I would love to get an associates in restaurant management and eventually a bachelors in hospitality and tourism, likely right here in Colorado. 

3. What kind of reading do you most enjoy doing?

Anything from news articles, to mysteries, fiction, and fairy tales! 

4. What are the small essentials that make life more comfortable? 

Good coffee and pets.

5. What are your favorite snacks?

Chips and salsa and ice cream are my absolute favorites! Never together though!

6. What do you do to unwind?

All my free time is spent with my two dogs. Taking them on walks and playing with them bring me the most joy!

7. How could a parent volunteer help you?

By helping our teachers and TAs!